Is there a way to verify the gateway status via command line? This is the same information seen (if navigating from the ssgconfig menu) under option 2 then option 7:
API Gateway: 10.X
To get the Node Status via command line, use command: sudo -u layer7 /opt/SecureSpan/Appliance/libexec/ssgconfig_launch show status
It should look something like this:
[root@ssg10-1-0 ~]# sudo -u layer7 /opt/SecureSpan/Appliance/libexec/ssgconfig_launch show status
Layer7 API Gateway Status
Node Status = RUNNING
Node Status Timestamp = 2022-09-29 07:04:06
Node Status Since = 2022-09-21 06:45:17
Press [Enter] to continue.
[root@ssg10-1-0 ~]#
To get the Node Status via command line, use command: <JAVA_LOCATION>/bin/java -jar /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/runtime/lib/layer7-gateway-config-<GW_VERSION>.jar show status
It should look something like this (ex: GW 10.0 CR03) :
[root@ssg10-0-0 ~]# /mnt/Java/jdk8u275-b01/bin/java -jar /opt/SecureSpan/Gateway/runtime/lib/layer7-gateway-config- show status
Layer7 API Gateway Status
Node Status = RUNNING
Node Status Timestamp = 2022-09-30 11:32:25
Node Status Since = 2022-09-30 11:29:49
Press [Enter] to continue.
[root@ssg10-0-0 ~]#