Gateway Cluster node server starting issue
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Gateway Cluster node server starting issue


Article ID: 251078


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CA API Gateway


API Gateway Server in cluster mode. Primary node was started successfully. While starting the secondary gateway , node was started however server is unable to start on HPPS Port 8443.

Following error was logged:

2022-09-27T19:28:14.489+0530 INFO    1 Email listeners started.
2022-09-27T19:28:14.558+0530 SEVERE  1 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol: Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-x.x.x.x.-8443"]
2022-09-27T19:28:14.559+0530 SEVERE  1 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService: Failed to start connector [Connector[com.l7tech.server.tomcat.SsgHttps11Protocol-8443]]
2022-09-27T19:28:14.571+0530 INFO    1 com.l7tech.server.transport.http.HttpTransportModule: 2400: Starting HTTPS listener: Default HTTPS (8443) (#fa2ed5d7b2bdb59c933b2309777d5379,v0) on port 8443
2022-09-27T19:28:14.571+0530 INFO    1 com.l7tech.server: Listener state changed
2022-09-27T19:28:14.605+0530 SEVERE  1 org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol: Failed to start end point associated with ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-x.x.x.x-8443"]
2022-09-27T19:28:14.606+0530 WARNING 1 com.l7tech.server.transport.http.HttpTransportModule: 2402: HTTPS listener error: Unable to start Default HTTPS (8443) (#fa2ed5d7b2bdb59c933b2309777d5379,v0) on port 8443: service.getName(): "null";  Protocol handler start failed
2022-09-27T19:28:14.607+0530 WARNING 1 com.l7tech.server: Listener state changed


Release : 10.1

Component : API GATEWAY


only specific interface was chosen under the manage listen ports ( Tasks > Manage Listen Ports > 8443 Properties )


make sure port 8443 has set under Manage listen ports properties > interfaces > ALL IPs in cluster 
So any gateway in cluster can use port 8443 

we can check this via sql query 
mysql> select * from cluster_properties where propkey = 'interfaceTags'\G