Client Automation - All Versions
- Releases are linked to product. Get the list of products with linked releases and its signature data :
select 'Product Name', p.sw_version_label 'Product Version', 'Release Name', r.sw_version_label 'Release Version', s.signature_data
from ca_link_sw_def l, ca_software_def p, ca_software_def r, ca_software_signature s
where l.source_type_id=2 and l.primary_sw_def_uuid=p.sw_def_uuid and p.source_type_id=2 and p.software_type_id=8
and l.secondary_sw_def_uuid=r.sw_def_uuid and r.source_type_id=2 and r.software_type_id=3 and s.source_type_id=2 and s.sw_def_uuid=r.sw_def_uuid