What does the product title APCDDS stand for?
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What does the product title APCDDS stand for?


Article ID: 251027


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APCDDS Automated Report Balancing


The name report balancing does not work with the actual name of APCDDS. What does it stand for?


z/OS any level

APCDDC at r1.3


APCDDS is a reporting balancing and input verification for production control that runs under DATACOM/AD. - This is modified version of DATACOM/DB DATABASE SYSTEM that does not have the capability to update DATACOM DIRECTORY via DATADICTIONARY.

APCDDS the name itself is as follows:

APC - is a name internal to Broadcom attached to a family of products that was created in the 1990s and never changed. Related to scheduling products and Datacom

DDC - stand for "Difference Detection System"  .  The name relates to the products actual function in detecting differences in job processes. The documentation can provide additional detail as to operations.