MBAS 18512
The MICS Release Information Option 6, introduced with a post MICS 14.3 PTF BAS7861,
is missing on the MWF primary options panel for sites who are using MWF primary panel
with ISPF/PDF option. The ISPF/PDF option is set in Global parameters for ISPF
applications (MWF 5;0;2).
The MICS Release Information Option 6 is missing from the panel.
The MICS Release Information is not available.
Switch to using MICS Workstation Facility (MWF) primary panel (MWF@PRM1) panel by
setting MWF 5;0;2 (Global parameters for ISPF applications) as below:
MWF menu specifications: Provide PDF selection under MWF ===> NO (YES/NO)
PDF primary option panel name ===> ISR@PRIM
After making changes, exit MWF and then reenter. The primary MWF panel displayed
will be MWF@PRM1 that contain option 6 to display Release information panel.
Release : 14.3
Component : MICS BASE SET
BAS7864 - Correct Missing MICS Release Information Option in MWF