Rally work rule exception possibility?
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Rally work rule exception possibility?


Article ID: 250980


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Rally SaaS


Is there a way to exclude projects from workspace rules?  We have a workspace with many projects but we do not want the rule on some sub-projects.


There isn't a way to exclude projects from a work rule that is cascaded at the workspace level or a top level project.

There are some workarounds, although admittedly, none are ideal

  • If the projects are in their own hierarchy, then you can define a project level rule on a hierarchy that those projects do not exist in and cascade from there.
  • Another approach would be to set a "warning" based rule for those exception projects.  This would allow the saves to be made but it would only throw a warning flare as opposed to stopping the save.
  • The final option would be to script something to create the rule on those desired projects individually or with cascading in areas where it makes sense, however this could be a bit difficult to maintain.

Please submit in-product feedback if this is a feature you would like to be considered by product management as a future enhancement.