Collect memory dumps in UIM
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Collect memory dumps in UIM


Article ID: 250945


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


How to collect memory dumps in UIM?


Release : 20.4

Component : UIM - DATA_ENGINE


1. Open "regedit" on the server in question and navigate to the following registry location: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps: 
If the "LocalDumps" folder does not exist in the registry, you should create it. 
Now, inside this folder you should create the following registry keys/values: 
i.             "DumpFolder" as a REG_EXPAND_SZ to something like C:\Dumps\ 
ii.            "DumpCount" as a REG_DWORD to 10 // this will limit to a maximum of 10 dump files 
iii.           "DumpType" as a REG_DWORD to 2 // this creates a full process dump 


Install DebugDiag 2 tool, which helps to identify the memory leaks in windows environment.

After installing the tool, we can find DebugDiag 2 Collection.

After installing DebugDiag 2

Stop nimsoft service and take the backup of data_engine probe folder. I have attached the file with the case, unzip and copy all the contents under this to data_engine probe folder, including data_engine.exe.

After copying, from IM GUI, right click on data_engine probe -> validate -> yes. 

Now Click on DebugDiag 2 Collection and choose below option:

Click on Next and select data_engine in the next screen as below:

 Select Next and click on configure as below:


Click on Save & Close 

Then click on Next, choose the Dumps path where it can be stored, by default it will be stored in C:\Program Files\DiagDiag\Logs\Leak rule for data_engine.exe, but it can be changed to your own location,

Click on Next -> and activate the rule.

Click on Finish.

If the dumps are not getting created every day, then we can create dumps every day once as below:





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