Idea Views Cannot Display Error: Could not load columns
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Idea Views Cannot Display Error: Could not load columns


Article ID: 250932


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Idea views cannot be displayed. The following generic error is shown: Could not load columns

APP log shows errors

ERROR 2022-09-26 21:07:35,856 [http-nio-8082-exec-155] rest.validation (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) ODFResourceProvider :: Could not update resource. Object code alias: [ requestUrl: http://<host>/ppm/rest/v1/ideas/5643040 , _restResourceName : ideas , _id : 5643040 , _parentInfo : null , _apiVersion : v1 , _includeLinksArray : true , _contextId : -1 , _hierarchyId : -1]
ERROR 2022-09-26 21:07:35,857 [http-nio-8082-exec-155] rest.validation (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) ExceptionInfo ::  Could not update resource. Resource name: ideas. Error code: projmgr.PROJECT_DATES_OUTOFSEQUENCE Error message: PRJ-07008: Finish date earlier than start date.
ERROR 2022-09-26 21:08:11,128 [http-nio-8082-exec-162] rest.validation (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) ODFResourceProvider :: Could not update resource. Object code alias: [ requestUrl: /<host>/ppm/rest/v1/ideas/5643040 , _restResourceName : ideas , _id : 5643040 , _parentInfo : null , _apiVersion : v1 , _includeLinksArray : true , _contextId : -1 , _hierarchyId : -1]
ERROR 2022-09-26 21:08:11,128 [http-nio-8082-exec-162] rest.validation (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) ExceptionInfo ::  Could not update resource. Resource name: ideas. Error code: projmgr.PROJECT_DATES_OUTOFSEQUENCE Error message: PRJ-07008: Finish date earlier than start date.
ERROR 2022-09-26 21:15:05,115 [http-nio-8082-exec-117] service.ViewInstanceClass (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) Failed to update Unsaved view : 5656010
SQL error code: 1
Error message: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-00001: unique constraint (NIKU_TEST.ODF_UI_VIEWS_U1) violated

 update odf_ui_views
                    name = ?,
                    is_shared = ?,
                    view_target_id = null,
                    view_mode = 'SAVED',
                    last_updated_date = ?,
                    last_updated_by = ?
                    id = ? 
Derived from statement:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<statement sortColumnPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortColumn" sortDirectionPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortDirection" slicePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@slice" sliceSizePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@sliceSize" inputSource="map" xmlns="">
  <sql dbVendor="all" tsvTemplateAttrCode="">
                    update odf_ui_views
                    name = ?,
                    is_shared = ?,
                    view_target_id = null,
                    view_mode = 'SAVED',
                    last_updated_date = ?,
                    last_updated_by = ?
                    id = ?
    <param name="name" type="string" direction="IN" expressionListDelimiter=","/>
    <param name="is_shared" type="int" direction="IN" expressionListDelimiter=","/>
    <param replace="timestamp" direction="IN" expressionListDelimiter=","/>
    <param replace="userId" direction="IN" expressionListDelimiter=","/>
    <param name="id" type="long" direction="IN" expressionListDelimiter=","/>

Referenced by:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<statementRef id="odf.UpdateUnsavedView_nested_0" inputSource="map" inputMapIndex="0" sortColumnPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortColumn" sortDirectionPath="/data/header/sortInfo/@sortDirection" slicePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@slice" sliceSizePath="/data/header/pagination/sliceInfo/@sliceSize" defaultSliceSize="20" ignoreIfError="false" hideResultSets="false" xmlns=""/>

Using input: 
{is_shared=0, name=SAMPLE VIEW Name, id=5656010}

It happens repeatedly:

ERROR 2022-09-26 21:15:05,115 [http-nio-8082-exec-117] service.ViewInstanceClass (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) Failed to update Unsaved view : 5656010
ERROR 2022-09-26 21:35:21,159 [http-nio-8082-exec-170] service.ViewInstanceClass (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) Failed to update Unsaved view : 5656014
ERROR 2022-09-26 21:37:24,874 [http-nio-8082-exec-162] service.ViewInstanceClass (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) Failed to update Unsaved view : 5656015
ERROR 2022-09-26 21:41:43,431 [http-nio-8082-exec-171] service.ViewInstanceClass (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) Failed to update Unsaved view : 5656019




Release : 16.0.2

Component :


This is reported as DE67127 and is resolved in 16.0.3

Workaround: Refresh the page will update the view