Cloud SWG: Unable to uninstall Symantec WSS agent with "The token you have provided is incorrect" warning
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Cloud SWG: Unable to uninstall Symantec WSS agent with "The token you have provided is incorrect" warning


Article ID: 250850


Updated On:


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


You are unable to uninstall WSS Agent from a computer as you do not know the current token.


The uninstall token is not bound to the installation instance at the time of installation.

The uninstall token non-reversible encrypted string is part of the data being updated during the Agent's CTC call, meaning you can update current client configuration when the Agent connects as long as it has proper connectivity.

So you can follow the below steps:

  1. disable or change the uninstall token in the Portal
  2. reconnect the client so that it refreshes its configuration
  3. at this point it will no longer require the token to uninstall or it will accept the new token if you choose to change it