Projects are not taken financial plan from template at idea conversion
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Projects are not taken financial plan from template at idea conversion


Article ID: 250808


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When converting an idea without a cost plan the resulting project is not creating the financial plan as expected from the project template selected

Steps to Reproduce: 

1. Create an idea from an idea template without a cost plan.
2. Convert to Project with selecting a template having a default cost plan.
3. Ensured the "Copy Financials" is checked

Expected results: If idea does not have a Cost plan the cost plan is created from the Project Template.
Actual results: The project is created without the financial plan. Additionally the "Originating template" of project preserve the idea template instead of project template used at conversion.


Release : 16.0.3

Component : Clarity Project Management


DE66751, As per the design, the three checkboxes while converting an idea to project is to decide whether to copy data(team, financials and RIC) from the idea instance or from template instance.

If they are checked then idea takes the precedence and copy the data from idea instead of template and template data will be ignored.

If unchecked, then the data from idea will be ignored and template takes the precedence.