Deleting servers from Infrastructure Manager does not delete them from Operator Console
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Deleting servers from Infrastructure Manager does not delete them from Operator Console


Article ID: 250791


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Based on the expire_time setting of 3 days in discovery_server probe, I believe servers removed from Infrastructure Manager should be deleted from Operator Console 3 days later.  However, when a server is deleted from Infrastructure Manager it is not automatically deleted from Operator Console after this timeframe. 


Release: 20.4
Component: discovery_server


Add the following value in raw configure of the discovery_server probe under the setup section:

expire_task_start_time = 2021-03-25T12:00:00Z

Note: The date just needs to be prior to the date set. The time represents a 24 hour clock on UTC time. This is when the process will run.


expire_computer_system_by_alive_time_only = false

which is the default, than it will only remove the device if there is no underlying QOS available for that source. 


expire_computer_system_by_alive_time_only = true

we will only verify that there is no data in the S_QOS_SNAPSHOT for the source. If there is data, then the source will not be removed, until there is no longer data in this table.

You could have data in this table for a source that it takes time to expire the robot check, or there could be a case where there are orphaned entries in the table for the source.