XCOM r11.6 SP1 is AIX 7.3 supported certified
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XCOM r11.6 SP1 is AIX 7.3 supported certified


Article ID: 250778


Updated On:


XCOM Data Transport


I have checked RI59040 https://support.broadcom.com/web/ecx/solutiondetails?aparNo=RI59040&os=UNIX  but I don't see that AIX 7.3 is supported yet. RI59040 is not updated since 02-25-2021 which is well over a year.  

We have a team that runs XCOM on their server and want to upgrade to AIX 7.3 but seems that XCOM is not supported.

Please confirm ASAP whether AIX 7.3 has been certified. If not, when will it be certified ? 


Release : 11.6  SP1

Component : XCOM Data Transport for AIX

AIX 7.3


OS certification


Broadcom supports XCOM for AIX 11.6 SP1 with AIX 7.3

The notes below address installation and StandaloneUI.sh related problems caused by the JRE supplied by the current install file.

For installation

  1. The XCOM 11.6 SP1 installation requires gzip. If for some reason gzip is not available, one method to obtain it is via the IBM AIX toolbox.
    See "DNF is now available on AIX Toolbox" ( https://community.ibm.com/community/user/power/blogs/sangamesh-mallayya1/2021/05/28/dnf-is-now-available-on-aix-toolbox ) on how to install gzip using dnf.

  2. https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/java-sdk-aix has a link to a java 8 fixes.
  3. For our tests we used
    /usr/java8_64/jre/bin/java -version
    java version "1.8.0_301"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build -
    pap6480sr6fp36-20210824_02(SR6 FP36))
    IBM J9 VM (build 2.9, JRE 1.8.0 AIX ppc64-64-Bit Compressed
    References 20210824_12036 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
    OpenJ9   - 7bb9176
    OMR      - 820a5aa
    IBM      - dc8f23e)
    JCL - 20210806_01 based on Oracle jdk8u301-b09
  4. To install with the above java or similar, rather than the one which comes with InstallAnywhere use the following command line
                /home/xcom/XCOM.bin LAX_VM /usr/java8_64/jre/bin/java

         Note: Please make sure to specify the correct path for the Java installed on the system on the above command.

For a Fix

  1. Use 
      /home/xcom/XCURS6_XCOMPATCH_r11622066_64.bin LAX_VM /usr/java8_64/jre/bin/java

To uninstall

  1. Use 
       /opt/CA/XCOM/UninstallPatch/UninstallPatch LAX_VM /usr/java8_64/jre/bin/java

For the base product uninstallation

   /opt/CA/XCOM/Uninstaller/Uninstaller LAX_VM /usr/java8_64/jre/bin/java

Set environment variable

  • XCOM_JAVA_HOME=/usr/java8_64/jre
  • In /opt/CA/XCOM/config/xcom.glb point to the IBM AIX java version:
