Task Conversation tab in v16.0.3 error - API-1007 : You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights.
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Task Conversation tab in v16.0.3 error - API-1007 : You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights.


Article ID: 250755


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


In 16.0.3, the Conversations tab in Task or RIC under Custom Investments are throwing the below error even when the user has Edit access to the CIT. 

API-1007 : You are not authorized to process request. Contact your system administrator for necessary security rights.

This was working fine in 16.0.2


Release : 16.0.3

Component : Clarity Project Management


1. Login ad admin/admin.

2. Create a custom investment and post conversations on the RICT objects.

3. Ensure able to post the conversations.

4. Create a user with custom investment rights.

5.Login with above user and navigate to RICT conversations.

6. Try to post the conversations.

7.Observe that 401 error is thrown - Not Expected.


Work around-

To work with conversations on Investment type blueprint enabled objects like projects, idea and custom investments users should have the following rights for RIC -
Project - Risk, Issue, Change Request - View - All

To work with conversations on Investment type blueprint enabled objects like projects, idea and custom investments users should have the following rights for Task -
Project - View Management - All


DE66081 - Fixed in 16.1.0