HTML 5 chart does not render on Jaspersoft Server
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HTML 5 chart does not render on Jaspersoft Server


Article ID: 250684


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


An HTML 5 bubble chart is included as a component in one of the custom reports deployed in the server. It is observed that this chart does not render (is invisible). The report does execute and render the gridlines associated with the chart. But the chart itself is not displayed.


  • Jaspersoft version 7.8, 8.1.1 with Clarity


If noticed after publishing the report for the first time:

Editing the same report and publishing it again should result in the chart getting rendered correctly.

  1. Edit HTML 5 chart component
  2. Chart Formatting
  3. Show Advanced Properties
  4. Check "Show only edited properties"
  5. Change the value against xAxis -> Min to a value other than 0. Click on OK
  6. Save the report
  7. Change the value against xAxis -> Min to the previous value
  8. Publish the report again

If a report already in use started showing this behavior after an upgrade, please do the following:

  1. Remove the HTML 5 component
  2. Publish the report
  3. Re-add the component back

This should resolve the issue