Unable to login to Netops Portal after upgrade
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Unable to login to Netops Portal after upgrade


Article ID: 250649


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CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA) DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


We have installed NetOps Portal on host Domain_1, and we have DNS mapping  Doman_1 -> Domain_2

When we hit the below url which used to work before upgrade. 

https://<Domain_2> which will redirect to "https://<Domain_1>.xxx.int:8382/sso/sign-in.jspSsoProductCode=pc&SsoRedirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fnetqos%2Fpc%2Fredirector"

Now we have upgraded DX Netops from 20.2 to 22.2 after that the redirection is happening but the user authentication is not. 

But user authentication is happening when we hit https://<Domain_1>.xxx.int:8382/sso/sign-in.jsp?



Release : DX Netops 21.2.12 and above


Currently when the SSO page loads, it's using the current Web Site Host setting of "<Domain_1>.xxx.int" which is Netops determining the real hostname of the box.

So now the required new Web Site Host  must be used for accessing PC.

You are using "https://<Domain_2>/" so Web Site Host via SsoConfig Remote Value should be set to <Domain_2>.


This change/requirement started in 21.2.12.


Additional Information

Configure the Basic Security Settings Using the SSO Configuration Tool