I am working on CA Spool upgrade. While bringing up Java Transformer Task CAIQD2E, It is abending with below messages:
ESF4211 JNI CreateJavaVM failed
ESF4211 CEE3588S A call was made to a function in the AMODE 64 DLL /usr/lpp/java/J8.0_64/bin/classic/libjvm.so from an AMODE 31 caller.
ESF4209 Initialization failed. Correct above problems and restart FSS
Release : 14.0
Component : Spool
The Java Transformer started task was using PGM=ESFD2ES (31-bit) but the CAIQENVA member was pointing to a Java 64-bit.
In the sample JCL we provide you can choose between 31 and 64-bits:
//* PROGRAM=ESFD2ES, * Java 31-bit support
// PROGRAM=ESFD2ES6, * Java 64-bit support
The error indicates PGM=ESFD2ES was being used instead of PGM=ESFD2ES6.
Make sure you have the PTFs that enable 64-bit support:
Spool Java Transformers 64-bit Support (LU03218 and LU04069)