WA system agent V12 - error while installation : The port has to be between 1024 - 65535.
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WA system agent V12 - error while installation : The port has to be between 1024 - 65535.


Article ID: 250619


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Workload Automation Agent


We are installing Workload Automation Agent 12.0 using silent installer properties file and agent install log reported below error:


Custom Action:            cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException
                          Status: FATAL ERROR
                          Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR -     class cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException FatalInstallException: The port has to be between 1024 - 65535.

====================STDERR ENTRIES==================

Execute Custom Code
    class cybermation.iainstaller.library.CybFatalException FatalInstallException The port has to be between 1024 - 65535.
8. final log file name=/opt/WA_Agent/WA_Agent_12.0.00.00_Install_09_22_2022_09_08_28.log
====================STDOUT ENTRIES==================

Agent information:
Agent Name: WA_AGENT
Input Port: 7520  


Release : 12.0

Component : Workload Automation System Agent


The agent and manager ports should be between 1024 - 65535.

Verify the port numbers defined in silent installer properties file and remove blank spaces after the port number, if any.