Duplication of udm_manager and trellis packages in archive after CU4 update from CU3
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Duplication of udm_manager and trellis packages in archive after CU4 update from CU3


Article ID: 250596


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


After upgrading to UIM 20.4 CU4 from CU3 I noticed that there are two copies of udm_manager and trellis in my archive.

The udm_manager packages have the same version and build while the trellis packages have different build numbers.

How can I determine which one is the correct one to distribute?


  • Release: 20.4
  • Component: UIM - UDM
  • udm_manager
  • trellis


  • This occurs because the CU4 installer overwrites the existing packages "trellis.zip" and "udm_manager.zip" but does not remove old versions.
  • The packages from CU3 are appended with version numbers on the zip file which prevents them from being overwritten as intended.


In this case, the zip files which do not have a version number (e.g. "udm_manager.zip" and "trellis.zip") are the current versions which should be applied and the ones which have the version number appended can be deleted/discarded.  

The correct (from CU4) version of trellis has the "dev" build designation; the udm_manager packages are identical and it technically should not matter which one you keep, but in order to maintain consistency and avoid this problem in the future it would be wise to delete the one with "-20.42" on the zip file name.

You can take the following steps to remove the undesired packages:

  1. Deactivate the distsrv probe

  2. Delete the files: from /Nimsoft/Archive:

    - udm_manager-20.42.zip

    - trellis-20.41.zip

  3. Activate distsrv