I am getting "link not found" when looking up APM Agent links including in the knowledge docs and from my bookmarks. How can I find this information?
DX APM Agents -- All Supported releases.
Starting with DX APM 22.8 SaaS release, the Agents related information is decoupled from the DX
APM SaaS documentation. The Agents related information which was earlier available in the
Implementing Agents section is now available at
The implementing Agents section will now have a link that redirects to the DX APM Agents documentation.
Any Agent related information that was bookmarked from the earlier DX APM SaaS site will not work.
We recommend you to create new bookmarks for Agent related information from the DX APM Agents documentation site.
Searching agent-related information via Google will display some of the old links that will not work.
Google will take time to index the new DX APM SaaS and DX APM Agents documentation.
We recommend you to use the search functionality in the documentation site until Google indexes the APM content.
For example, the earlier link for the Infrastructure agent was: https://techdocs.
Now, you can find the same information here: https://techdocs.