Dyn LDAP connector paging problem
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Dyn LDAP connector paging problem


Article ID: 250565


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager


Customer has done the modification on the server_osgi_jcs.xml file, changing the parameter maximumSize from 200 to 500, and the correlation shows 200 accounts while it should be showing 470.

It appears the next message on the log files:

error: 2022-09-14 15:30:30,325 1721160 [ApacheDS Worker-thread-155] LDAPNAME (PagedResultsNamingEnumeration.java:132) DEBUG - VirtualListViewPaging - Request next 200 results: ldaps://xx.xx.xx.xxx:port, Base: ou=OU1,ou=OU2,ou=OU3,o=company, Filter: (|(objectClass=OC1)(objectClass=OC2)(objectClass=OC3))


Release : 14.3

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


This issue occurs if the paging support is enabled.


Disable Paging Support on JNDI Connectors to Support Dynamic Groups:
If you are acquiring LDAP connector using Connector Xpress, ensure that you disable paging support on JNDI connectors.
1. Restart the CA Identity Manager - Connector Server (Java) and CA Identity Manager - Connector Server (C++) services.
2. Navigate to <CA Identity Manager_Install_DIR>\Connector Server\jcs\conf\override\jndi.
3. Create a copy of the SAMPLE.connector.xml file and name the copy file as connector.xml.
4. Edit the connector.xml file.
5. Locate the following lines:
<!-- protect against endpoint that advertise paged results but don't deliver.<property name ="forcePagedResults"><value>false</value></property>-->

And, uncomment the lines as follows:
<!-- protect against endpoint that advertise paged results but don't deliver.--><property name ="forcePagedResults"><value>false</value></property>

6. Save the file and close the editor.
7. Restart the CA Identity Manager - Connector Server (Java) and CA Identity Manager - Connector Server (C++) services.

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