GMU migrateOut Execution failed. Reason: Internal Server Error. Detail: Service Not Found.
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GMU migrateOut Execution failed. Reason: Internal Server Error. Detail: Service Not Found.


Article ID: 250406


Updated On: 10-13-2023


CA API Gateway


Environment:  Gateway 10.0 CR2 and GMU 1.5 in our environment. 

We are seeing an issue while exporting the policies from one of our gateway node.

Please find below details.

Migration Error: 


C:\GatewayMigrationUtility-1.5.00-479>gmu migrateOut -z config/<gatewayHostname>.properties --serviceName "DMZ/Client Bundle R1/Services/POC/Login V5 POC1" -d destination/aws/c2/ivr1 -f directory
Warning: TLS hostname verification has been disabled
Warning: TLS server certificate check has been disabled
Execution failed. Reason: Internal Server Error. Detail: Service Not Found.  The request may have been sent to an invalid URL, or intended for an unsupported operation.

Gateway Audit Logs:


INFO  Message was not processed: Service Not Found.  The request may have been sent to an invalid URL, or intended for an unsupported operation. (404)

3017 Policy evaluation for service  resulted in status 404 (Service Not Found.  The request may have been sent to an invalid URL, or intended for an unsupported operation.)

3208 Resolution failed; multiple services match the current request

3005 Service not found

The Rest man query also having issue and with below errors:



<l7:policyResult xmlns:l7="" status="Service Not Found. The request may have been sent to an invalid URL, or intended for an unsupported operation."/>


Or in gateway 11 return the flowwing message:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<faultstring>Policy Falsified</faultstring>
<l7:policyResult xmlns:l7="" status="Service Not Found. The request may have been sent to an invalid URL, or intended for an unsupported operation."/>


Gateway 9.x, 10.x, 11,  GMU 1.5


There was duplicated restman (old version) installed.   The issue could happen if there is duplicated policy active. 


One of the services from the source Gateway has a conflicting URI.  Go to service properties, click "check resolution conflict" .  If it is not successful, then resolve the conflict: 

1) If it is the service, change the resolution name to be unique before migration:

- Find the service that is failing.

- Right-click and select Service Properties.

         - Select the HTTP/FTP tab In the field, Custom Resolution Path change the service path.

2) If it is restman, find other copy of restman and disable or remove it. 

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