Single Click edit Plans Decimal Error - 16.0.3
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Single Click edit Plans Decimal Error - 16.0.3


Article ID: 250402


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


SUMMARY: On Financial plans, when per-period metrics for costs or units are single clicked and value over 1 digit is entered the second digit ends up in the 6th decimal place.  Error is thrown that only 5 decimals are allowed.  The value is not saved at all.

This also happens on Staff grids but the error is at 4 decimals as only 3 decimals are shown in those grids.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1.  In MUX on Financials module go to cost plan
2.  Set Per-Period metrics for Cost and make Money and Number decimals to 0.00
3.  Single click on a cell in the per-period metrics
4.  Enter 44

Expected Reults:  44 shows in the cell

Actual Result: 4.000004 shows and error is thrown for 6th decimal place

                       If  you change STR and click off the screen after step 4 the value will show as 4 in the cell.

The same functionality can be seen on the Staff or Resources grid module.  However here it shows 3 decimal places and the second digit is in the 4th decimal place.

Note: This happens when there are already 0 in the cell  If the cell has not populated at all the 



Workaround:  You may be able to double click in the cells.  This should render the values correctly.


Release : 16.0.3

Component : Clarity Studio


Reported as DE66623


Resolved in 16.1.0 and back ported to16.0.3 (patch2).
This was originally tracked as DE66623.

Workaround:  Double Click in Cell to edit it.