Task Timeline Duration Column Does Not Save Changes - 16.0.3
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Task Timeline Duration Column Does Not Save Changes - 16.0.3


Article ID: 250400


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


SUMMARY: For 16.0.3 in the Task Timeline view editing the duration column will not save.

Steps to Reproduce: 

1.  MUX on Project's Task Timeline
2.  Make sure you have some not started tasks and not a summary task
3.  Add Duration to your timeline view
4.  Double click on a duration column so you can edit it
5.  Increase the duration

Expected Reults:  Timeline view updates to reflect the new duration and if you have the details open for the task the duration updates there as well.

Actual Result: Timeline does not update and the details does not update.  If you refresh the page, the duration column is reset back as the updated value was not saved.


Workaround:  Update from the details or drag the timeline.  Updating in the columns will not force an update.


Release : 16.0.3

Component : Clarity MUX UI Usability


Reported as DE66665


Resolved in 16.1.0 and 16.0.3 Patch2. This was originally tracked as DE66665.