MetaData Import for Linux doesn't show tree of available errata channels and loads in loop
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MetaData Import for Linux doesn't show tree of available errata channels and loads in loop


Article ID: 250345


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Patch Management Solution


MetaData Import for Linux doesn't show the tree of available errata channels and loads in a loop / RHN Channel Import is stuck in a running loop and the stop button doesn't work.


ITMS 8.x


This is a rare occurrence. The Current and Last Statuses in the Windows Updates PreImport Worker State field was stuck as running, likely caused by an interruption in the background services and processes when the task was initially started.


Caution: Make a backup of the Symantec CMDB database prior to running the below update query.

There are changes to prevent this situation in 8.6 RU3

To stop the task, first run this query and copy the State column contents to a text editor:

select name, cast(state as XML) as 'State' from item where guid = '4F882CFC-5329-4ACC-BBF1-C325E008F4AF'


select guid,state from item where guid = '4F882CFC-5329-4ACC-BBF1-C325E008F4AF'

Look for these two tags:


Change the values for LastStatus and CurrentStatus to 3, and leave the rest of the result unchanged.


Copy the full edited result into this query and run the query:

update item set state = 'PASTE THE EDITED RESULT HERE BETWEEN THE SINGLE QUOTES' where guid = '4F882CFC-5329-4ACC-BBF1-C325E008F4AF'


See 247702 for  "We can't stop Import of available vendors, software and languages: running."