View - Looking to convert TAPEBLKS (tape blocks) into bytes.
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View - Looking to convert TAPEBLKS (tape blocks) into bytes.


Article ID: 250249


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Is there a conversion factor that I can use to convert TAPEBLKS that I can report on using SARGRW into something else like bytes, MB, GB, etc. ?


Release : 14.0

Component :


Unfortunately, there is no conversion factor that can be used to convert the number of tape blocks used on a tape to the corresponding number of MB, GB or bytes.

Determining what the blocksize is for a tape, when multiplied by the number of blocks, can produce a fair estimate for the number of bytes of tape storage used.

For tape, the processing occurs as View writes information to a buffer. 

When the buffer is filled, it is then written to tape.

With that, several reports can be in 1 block.

So, the estimate of (blocksize x # of blocks) is the most that can be offered as a suggestion.