Rally Which Apps / Applications are supported and which are not
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Rally Which Apps / Applications are supported and which are not


Article ID: 250202


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


There are many apps in the App Catalog, which are supported by Rally and which are not?


Each App in the App Catalog has a badge that indicates its source.


  • Core Apps are supported by Rally.
  • Core (Custom) Apps - the "Core" part refers to the Custom HTML wrapper which contains the code - is supported.  The HTML code within the Custom HTML App is not supported by Rally, it is supported by the author of the code.
  • Community Apps are not supported by Rally, they are provided by and supported by the Rally Community.  Community apps have a Github link where you can read about existing issue and post new issues.
  • Subscription Apps are not supported by Rally, they are supported by the author or person who modified the code for your subscription.
  • Apps found on Github (or other non-Rally site) are not maintained or supported by Rally.  They are provided by and supported by the Rally Community

Rally Support can only do initial problem determination on non-supported apps.  If further assistance is required, you will be referred to the author of the code for further assistance.