Implement the following options in ACF2 R16.
Release : 16.0
Component : ACF2 for z/OS
Here are the parameters to control default password policy:
Password Length (8) - MINPSWD(8)
Password History (6) - PSWXHIST PSWXHST#(6)
1 Upper Character - PSWDMIXD PSWDUC
1 Lower Character - PSWDLC
1 Numeric Character - PSWDNMIC
1 Alpha Character - PSWDALPH
Special Character ($ # @ and &) - PSWDPLST(&) (The others are defaulted to allow ) + PSWDSPLT
Note that there are logonid records that can override some of these parameters.
Full details can be found in Password Maintenance and Support (PSWD) techdoc link.