After upgrading some Agents to a version 12.3.6 HF2 or superior and keeping some older version Agents, while performing some File Transfers between these two Agents, some transfers remain on Connecting status and with the following error in the report
U02000063 Connection to Agent 'XXXX' with connection data 'X.X.X.X:XXXX' not possible. Error code '10061', error description: 'No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.'.
At the same time, the WP produce force traces with the folllowing errors:
U00003631 Dump caused by:
U00003405 Server routine 'UCFTXEX' not found.
U00011801 Error in Server routine 'UCFTXEX ', Server: 'XXX#WP021' AE system: 'XXX'
Release : 12.3.x and 21.0.x
Component : Agent Windows and Agent AS400
Functional Area: JOBF with reverse connection being involved between Agents on different version (ie. 12.3.6 and 12.3.9)
Several workarounds can be done, see below two examples:
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component(s): Agent Windows, Agent AS400
Automation.Engine 12.3.9HF1 - Available
Automation.Engine 12.3.9HF2 - Available
Automation.Engine 21.0.4 HF1 - Available
Automation.Engine 21.0.5 - Available
Problem: Automation Engine error with Server routine 'UCFTXEX' not found
Public description EN: