Registration failed: Unknown error 251 registering ERP Agent for SAP
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Registration failed: Unknown error 251 registering ERP Agent for SAP


Article ID: 250154


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CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


Configuring the ERP Agent for SAP, the process stops at registration and the configurator gives the error:

  Registration failed: Unknown error 251

Telnet to the Policy Server ports from the SAP server returns Connection timed out.



For the registration to work, set the environment variable CAPKIHOME before running the configurator.

The ERP Agent for SAP should run on the SAP Engine, and it should point to the same environment variable:

  Set the CAPKIHOME Environment Variable

  In UNIX, the r12.51 Agent for SAP needs the CAPKIHOME environment variable.




  • Ensure the Policy Server is up and running;
  • Ensure there's no firewall rule between SAP server and Policy Server that blocks port 44441, 44442, 44443, 44444, and 44445;
  • Run the following commands:
      # export CAPKIHOME=<Agent_install_dir>/sapwebas/CAPKI
      # ca-sapwebas-config.bin -i console