Management Center throwing error when importing VPM policy with shared objects.
Management Center
This may happen as well during export/import of VPM Policy with shared objects. The error message may slightly different but the solution would be the same.
Error above indicates the VPM policy being imported has shared objects associated with it where the UUID is/are missing.
Prior import of said the VPM policy to MC, remove the Shared object’s UUID defined under ‘"includes" : [ ] of said .json (text) file.
E.g. from
*******start truncated for brevity*************
"includes" : [ {
"objectUuid" : "54726F2B-5AD2-43EC-A397-0E89E0A9F03B",
"objectVersion" : null
}, {
"objectUuid" : "E72231FF-9CE0-40D1-8992-2B9974CC205A",
"objectVersion" : null
}, {
"objectUuid" : "E7230959-AF92-421C-AE66-0BF6833FB41A",
"objectVersion" : null
}, {
"objectUuid" : "B653A69F-E845-4161-B021-4126ADB76491",
"objectVersion" : null
} ]
"schemaVersion" : "1.0",
*******truncated for brevity end*************
*******start truncated for brevity*************
‘"includes" : [ ]
"schemaVersion" : "1.0",
*******truncated for brevity end*************
Shared objects that you just reimport or recently created would have new UUID. You must reassociate the same Shared objects back to newly imported VPM.