Executed cse_config.exe with "Update Encyclopedia tables to the release" option.
In step Updating Encyclopedia tables, "Error - 1073741819 while running Encyclopedia initialization" is shown.
Same behavior on multiple executions.
Release : 8.6
Component : Gen Client Server Encyclopedia
The Oracle environment was not correct for running the 8.6 cse_config.exe i.e. the Oracle 11g client was being picked up instead of the Oracle 12g client.
The Oracle environment is not correct. By changing the environment resolved the problem
The Windows server has IET GuardIEn beside the Gen CSE.
The Gen CSE Software is 32bit and uses the 32bit Oracle 12c Client.
GuardIEn version being used is 32bit Gen generated Software and uses the 32bit Oracle 11g Client.
The environment defaulted to Oracle 11g client first in the PATH Variable and ORACLE_HOME.
For the execution of cse_config.exe, a .bat file was previously prepared which sets the correct environment values for Oracle 12c client i.e.
set ORACLE_HOME=<path to oracle 12c client dir>
That file had not been use for a couple of years and had been forgotten about. Using that file again resolved the problem.