Need help to resolve issue as we are unable to see any metrics (CPU, memory, disk etc) for one of the servers over the past couple of days.
The device/server showing no metrics was blacklisted.
When this is done the device is added to the CM_BLACKLIST_DEVICE table.
discovery_server ignores all devices listed in that table.
To remove a device from the blacklist:
Go to Admin Console -> discovery_server ->'View Probe Utility in New Window.
'clear_all_blacklisted_devices < to remove all devices from the blacklist
unblacklist_devices <to remove one or more from the blacklist>
- this callback requires the blacklist_id which is obtained from CM_BLACKLIST_DEVICE bl_id column (see below)
Helpful queries:
SELECT * from CM_BLACKLIST_DEVICE; <to show all devices in the table>