How to enable WCC debug logging starting 12.0.1 Cumulative#2
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How to enable WCC debug logging starting 12.0.1 Cumulative#2


Article ID: 249992


Updated On: 06-19-2023


Autosys Workload Automation


Starting Cumulative#2 for 12.0.1  (, we no longer use the approach for logging enablement. 
We use log4j.xml files


Autosys  12.X


Identify which application you want to enable the debug on, for example, Quickview

The location of the log files has changed from:

1) backup the log4j.xml associated to quickview first, /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/conf/log/application/quickview/log4j2.xml

2) edit /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/conf/log/application/quickview/log4j2.xml

Last few lines look like this:

   <!--  Reduce the sun logging -->
    <Logger name="com.sun" level="ERROR" additivity="true"/>
    <Root level="ERROR">
      <AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
      <AppenderRef ref="ROLLING" />


Change them to look like:

   <Logger name="com.sun" level="ERROR" additivity="true"/>
        <Logger name="" level="DEBUG" additivity="true"/>
    <Root level="DEBUG">
      <AppenderRef ref="CONSOLE" />
      <AppenderRef ref="ROLLING" />


You can also add custom loggers like:     
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG" additivity="true"/>         
or further narrowed loggers like  
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG" additivity="true"/>


(Note, you can also adjust the Number of Files and Size of Each file the log file would go against, 
by adjusting
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="10MB" /> 
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="5" />   
values. )

3) Save the file
4) Once the log4j refresh interval is reached, you'll see debug logging being spit to the appropriate application's log file, in this case,  quickview.log.   
NOTE: You do not have to restart WCC for this enablement

5) To back out the debug logging, restore the original files from the backup that you had on step#1,  in this case, the backup of /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/conf/log/application/quickview/log4j2.xml

- provide the WCC log folder that was taken earlier
- provide Autosys as_server.*   files 


Additional Information

If you need to enable Autosys SDK traces in WCC in addition to the above, follow the below steps. 
Note: this can be pretty heavy logging, so turn it off once you are done troubleshooting.

1) backup  /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf
2) edit /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf

Look for the below lines,  basically, they're commented


Make them look like the below, removing the comment too in front
(NOTE: modify the ISDBGACTIV  to appropriate values that you want to troubleshoot based on the necessity)



3) Save the file
4) Restart WCC  (unisrvcntr restart CA-wcc-services)
5) Once WCC is up, login to WCC and check /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/log   and make sure there is a file there that looks like: libapijni.***.out       with content

To stop this trace,  restore the original files from backup that you had on step#1    /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/wcc/tomcat/conf/wrapper.conf 

6) Restart WCC unisrvcntr stop CA-wcc-services

- provide the WCC log folder that was taken earlier
- provide Autosys as_server.*   files