CEM Installation Package available switches
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CEM Installation Package available switches


Article ID: 249978


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IT Management Suite Client Management Suite Server Management Suite


CEM (Cloud-Enabled Management) has the option of generating an offline package that can be used on client machines that can't access your internal network in order to get the proper CEM configuration and policy references. See:

Generating and Installing the Cloud-Enabled Management Offline Package

The "CEM Installation package" or "CEM offline package" provides some switches that can be used to customize the installation process.


ITMS 8.6, 8.7



YourCEMInstallPackage.exe [Packager Parameters] [Installer Parameters]


YourCEMInstallPackage.exe /s /reinstall

Packager Parameters  
/? | /h | /help Show this help
/to:<path> Path or directory name where to store the extracted files
/noexe Do not launch the executable file after the extraction
/pass:<password> Password to use as a key when decrypting the files
/exe:<name> Name of the executable to launch after the extraction is complete
/cmdln:<params> Overwrite the stored parameters for target executable with the parameters given in <params>
/nofileui Do not show information dialog with the filenames that are being extracted
/s Silent mode, do not show informational dialogs about the installation process
/list:<file> Save the list of the archived files into the specified file, do not run setup
/extract:[<path>] Extract the archived files into the specified directory, do not run setup. If the directory path is not specified, it will be prompted later


Installer Parameters  
/server:<server> | /ns:<server> Assign the Agent to the Notification Server specified by the host name <server> accessible through HTTP protocol on port 80
/web:<web> | /nsweb:<web> Assign the Agent to the Notification Server specified by the URL <web> formatted as http[s]://<host name>[:<port>]
/path:<path> Install the Agent into the custom folder specified by  <path>
/donotstart Do not start the Agent at the end of installation
/enablestartmenu Add the Agent shortcut to the Start Menu
/nostartmenu Do not add the Agent shortcut to the Start Menu
/enabletrayicon Show the Agent icon in the tray area
/notrayicon Do not show the Agent icon in the tray area
/addremove Add the Agent uninstaller to the 'Add/Remove Programs' control panel applet
/noaddremove Do not add the Agent uninstaller to the 'Add/Remove Programs' control panel applet
/diags Enables the Agent diagnostics
/nodiags Disables the Agent diagnostics
/nologging Disables the logging
/enablelogging:error Enables the error logging
/enablelogging:warning Enables the error and warning logging
/enablelogging:info Enables the error, warning and informational events logging
/enablelogging:trace Enables the error, warning, informational and trace events logging
/enablelogging:verbose Enables the error, warning, informational, trace and verbose events logging
/enablelogging:debug Enables the error, warning, informational, trace, verbose and debug events logging
/enablelogging Enables the default logging
/enablerc[:yes | no] Enable remote control compatibility mode for agent user interface
/reinstall Acts like upgrade, it stops everything, removes old binary files, installs the new files and it keeps all the old configuration files, policies, etc. Stops the process of reinstalling the agent when the offline package is ran.


Additional Information

Using the command line to apply Agent Communication Profile to a client computer ( KB 150642 )