Setup Clarity - Rally Integration (Agile add-in)
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Setup Clarity - Rally Integration (Agile add-in)


Article ID: 249953


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Need to install the Agile Add-in to implement Clarity - Rally integration.


Release : 16.0.x


With the Agile add-in in installed, necessary rights should be granted to the user who will be configuring the Clarity - Rally integration.

Start configuring the Clarity - Rally integration by creating an integration object from the integrations page in Classic PPM. The key pieces of information required to create an integration object are:

  • Integration URL
  • Integration Instance
  • Integration API Key
  • Proxy port

Then proceed with New UI integration mapping configuration. The detailed steps are listed in the following document. Make sure to review the prerequisites as well.

Clarity Connections - Rally Integrations

Agile add-in is installed by default for SAAS customer with latest version of clarity (16.0.x).


Additional Information

Clarity Connections - Rally Integrations