Some files are not installed by CU patch
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Some files are not installed by CU patch


Article ID: 249951


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager


After installation of CU1, CU2, CU3 or CU4 patch for 14.5, some files are not copied.

In SD job output there are lines like :

C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\bin\sd_api.dll
Size:788560 Time:Thu Sep 01 15:26:52 2022
This is the original file on the target system.

PTF Wizard can not install files older than those on the target system.
PTF Wizard recommends you skip application of this PTF, and that
you call your local CA support representative.

C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\bin\amagentsvc.exe
Size:335440 Time:Thu Sep 01 15:26:49 2022
This is the original file on the target system.

PTF Wizard can not install files older than those on the target system.
PTF Wizard recommends you skip application of this PTF, and that
you call your local CA support representative.

C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\bin\amAdvInvNt.exe
Size:834640 Time:Thu Sep 01 15:26:48 2022
This is the original file on the target system.

PTF Wizard can not install files older than those on the target system.
PTF Wizard recommends you skip application of this PTF, and that
you call your local CA support representative.

ApplyOK(): Bypass \bin\amAdvInvNt.exe.
ApplyOK(): Bypass \bin\amagentsvc.exe.
ApplyOK(): Bypass \bin\sd_api.dll.


applyptf.exe has not installed some files because the modified date of installed file is more recent than file in the CU patch


Client Automation 14.5


If Client Automation Agent is installed using OSIM or Deployment Wizard, the modification date of some files are set with date of installation.

Example :

ITCM Agent was installed using Deployment Wizard on 1st September 2022 at 03:26. sd_api.dll, amagentsvc.exe and amAdvInvNT.exe have 9/1/2022 as modified date.

In CU4 these 3 files have a modified date set to 21/07/2022 :

During installation of CU4 with Applyptf.exe, these 3 files are bypassed because the installed files have a more recent modified date


The solution is to add  /OVERRIDE parameter in applyptf.exe command to force the installation of the files even if modified date of installed files are more recent
Option /INSTALLAGAIN should be added too to give the possibility to install again the patch if it has already been installed.
1- In DSM Explorer, go in Software/Software Package Library
Expand the CU package (ex: CA DSM Agent + Explorer +  Scalability Server 14.5 CU4 (Win32 only)
In Procedures, right click on PatchInstall procedure and select New Based On...
2- Give a new name (ex: PatchInstall + INSTALLAGAIN + OVERRIDE)
3- In Embedded File, add /INSTALLAGAIN /OVERRIDE in the parameters list :
4- Click OK.
This new procedure could be sent to the machines to apply again CU* patch and install all files included in CU* patch