In reading the instructions for Configuring Peer Review Notifications the example settings demonstrate using hsmtp to send the notification emails. We prefer to use mailx for this. Is there a way to configure this feature to use mailx instead of hsmtp?
Harvest Software Change Manager v14.0 and up
Unix and Linux operating systems
Started with getting the notification UDPs to work. For RHEL 8.x there’s a trick found in this KB article:
We created the script it describes. Here is what the /opt/CA/scm/bin/mailx script looks like:
[<user>@<hostname> bin]$ cat mailx
/usr/bin/mailx "$@"
# end of script
With this in place, notification UDPs now work in Harvest.
The -premail= option within the HServer.arg file can take either of these forms:
-premail="/opt/CA/scm/bin/mailx -r <reply-to email address>"
or (if the reply-to email address is included in the configuration settings for mailx)
Here is an example of the -premail option line that can be used in /opt/CA/scm/HServer.arg:
[<user>@<hostname> scm]$ cat HServer.arg
// HServer args for CA Harvest SCM v13
-premail="/opt/CA/scm/bin/mailx -r <reply-to email address>"
More information on administering and configuring the Peer Review feature can be found here: Administrate Peer Reviews
In particular, the information on Peer Review Notifications is at the bottom of this page under the heading "Configure Peer Review Notification"