Does CA Asset Portfolio Management provide a Restful web service API?
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Does CA Asset Portfolio Management provide a Restful web service API?


Article ID: 249887


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CA IT Asset Manager Asset Portfolio Management


A customer may want to utilize REST Webservices with IT Asset Manager.

Does ITAM provide a REST API for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations?


Releases : 17.3 and 17.4

Web Services


APM/ITAM does not have a REST API.

There is a SOAP based WCF service which exposes about six methods to the end user which is available to download from ITAM UI .

Additionally, in 17.3 RU16, we have introduced new Rest API in ITAM, for getting Telemetry data only.

This API exposes only one method to pull product usage data from customer's database.