if we change gecos of user sshd, automatically Access control change the owner
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if we change gecos of user sshd, automatically Access control change the owner


Article ID: 249882


Updated On:


CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM)


Access Control change the owner of home when we changed the gecos


Release : 12.8, all

Component : pamsc 14.1


When we execute a change or gecos:

cu sshd unix(gecos("ES/S/*C20001/IBM/sshd"))

Then Access Contrl change owner of path of home change to root at sshd

AC(unix)> sf /var/empty/sshd
Unix :
Data for FILE '/var/empty/sshd'
User access       : rwx
Group access      : --x
Other access      : --x
Owner             : sshd
Group ID          : sshd
Setuid            : No
Setgid            : No
Size              : 6
Device            : 64771
Inode             : 12582991
Directory         : Yes
Link name         :
Last access time  : 06-Sep-2022 00:05
Last inode change : 06-Sep-2022 10:22
Last modified     : 19-Oct-2021 16:06

Then the server is closed and left be able get into.


In seos.ini there is the following token :

HomeDirUpd = yes

; This token controls updating of user's home directory and works together with
; lang exit scripts (by default, with CREATE_u_sebuildla.sh).
; Valid values:
;   yes   user's home directory group ownership will be changed in accordance
;         with the change of the user's primary group;
;   no    user's home directory group ownership will not be updated even user's
;         primary group is changed.
; Default value: yes
HomeDirUpd = yes

Please set this token to NO 

HomeDirUpd = No