Load Data Warehouse job gets stuck in Processing during jaspersoft domain updates
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Load Data Warehouse job gets stuck in Processing during jaspersoft domain updates


Article ID: 249826


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Clarity PPM SaaS


We have seen multiple issues with the Load Data Warehouse Process getting hung up and preventing the data to transfer across to our reporting functionality. This prevents our data from updating and hangs up all future processes. This was first noticed on 8/27 and we had to force cancel the process and recreate. It has happened again 8/29 and we have left it in it's current state for you to trouble shoot.

The Load Data Warehouse Process is set to run at minute 15, 35, and 55, but has been processing the 35 minute run since Monday 8/29.

It appears to be hanging up on the Jaspersoft domain updates:



Release : 16.0.2

Component : Clarity Data Warehouse


DE66427, Information logged was updated while the jaspersoft domains are updated for the LDW job execution. This will help in identifying in which steps the job is getting stuck in the process of domain updates.

This logging enhacement will be part of 16.1.1.