Adding RR pairs using API v3 to create a HTTP REST virtual service and want to override the rules using JSON configuration. In the config JSON object adding below "config" property as per documentation.
"virtualService": {
"version": "2",
"name": "restservicetest",
"description": "test",
"status": "",
"capacity": "1",
"thinkScale": "200",
"autoRestart": "false",
"startOnDeploy": "true",
"groupTag": "test"
"transportProtocol": {
"typeId": "HTTP",
"basePath": "/",
"useGateway": true,
"hostHeaderPassThrough": false,
"recordingEndpoint": {
"useSSL": true,
"host": "",
"port": "9999",
"sslConfig": {
"keystoreFile": "C:/DevTest10.7.0/webreckeys.ks",
"keystorePassword": "passphrase",
"alias": "lisa",
"aliasPassword": "passphrase"
"dataProtocol": {
"forRequest": true,
"typeId": "RESTDPH",
"config": {
"rules": [
"valid": true,
"uri": "GET /naas/api/22112/speedTest/{URLPARAM0}/combinedSpeed?ban=123123123123&Authorization=Basic xyz"
Ran this API with the provided artifacts:
The resulting curl command shows the rule is being picked up:
curl -X POST "https://localhost:1505/lisa-virtualize-invoke/api/v3/vses/VSE/services" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "config={ "virtualService": { "version": "2", "name": "restservicetest", "description": "test", "status": "", "capacity": "1", "thinkScale": "200", "autoRestart": "false", "startOnDeploy": "true", "groupTag": "test" }, "transportProtocol": { "typeId": "HTTP", "basePath": "/", "useGateway": true, "hostHeaderPassThrough": false, "recordingEndpoint": { "useSSL": true, "host": "", "port": "9999", "sslConfig": { "keystoreFile": "C:/DevTest10.7.0/webreckeys.ks", "keystorePassword": "passphrase", "alias": "lisa", "aliasPassword": "passphrase" } } }, "dataProtocol": { "forRequest": true, "typeId": "RESTDPH", "config": { "rules": [ { "valid": true, "uri": "GET /naas/api/22112/speedTest/{URLPARAM0}/combinedSpeed?ban=123123123123&Authorization=Basic xyz" } ] } } }" -F "deploy=true" -F "inputFile1=@naas_rest-req.txt;type=text/plain" -F "inputFile2=@naas_rest-rsp.txt;type=text/plain"
But if you look at the virtual service listen step, the rule is defined as:
Release : 10.7.0
Component : DevTest API
Product defect.
Open a new support case and refer to defect DE544885.