Error: Resource is not protected, no realm matches this resource in PS
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Error: Resource is not protected, no realm matches this resource in PS


Article ID: 249724


Updated On:


SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder)



When running Federation services, for a given resource, no protection is applied, and thus, the browser goes to the target page without the SMSESSION cookie.

The realm resource is configured as:


and resource from the browser is:


How do you configure the dynamic endpoint in the realm so the request will be protected?




This can be done by configuring a rule attached to the realm with a regular expression (1).

To illustrate:

  Realm: /myApp/
Rule: shared*\?*&SAML2IDPID=

Requesting this URL in the browser:

Then the Policy Server protects that resource.


[08/30/2022][09:35:36][31060][1451075328][CSmLowLevelAgent.cpp:535][IsResourceProtected][0000000000000000000000006601a8c0-7954-630dbdc8-567da700-38cd7167e867][][][wa][/myApp/shared/d2DPT7XIQe?vendor-issuer=fslb&reid=1301167E224111ED93428BF28BB2A32A&SAML2IDPID=][GET][user1][Resource is protected from Policy Server.]



Configure the regular expression in the rule instead of the realm to solve the issue.


Additional Information



    Resource Matching and Regular Expressions

      Rules may use resource matching and regular expression matching to specify resources in a realm.