Problem with registering of a node:
bash-4.2$ ./unims -register -mshost uvms_server -msport 4184 -login admin -pwd )password
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
bash-4.2$ ./unims -register -mshost uvms_server -msport 4184 -login admin -pwdfile pwd
Error -1 decoding password
Unable to get password in file: pwd
bash-4.2$ ./unims -register -mshost uvms_server -msport 4184 -login admin -pwdfile "/du/pwd"
Error -1 decoding password
Unable to get password in file:du/pwd
Release : 6.x and 7.x
Component: Automic Dollar Universe
Even if the login and password can only contain the following characters:
Avoid starting the password with special characters like: