Symev kernel module is still loaded after upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Protection Linux Agent 14.3 RU1 or later
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Symev kernel module is still loaded after upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Protection Linux Agent 14.3 RU1 or later


Article ID: 249680


Updated On:


Endpoint Protection


After upgrading the Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) client for Linux from 14.3 MP1 (or earlier) to 14.3 RU1 (or later), the lsmod command still shows the legacy symev kernel module is loaded. This module is expected to have been deprecated in 14.3 RU1 (or later). 

[root@rhel]# lsmod | grep sym
symev_rh_ES_7_3_10_0_514_el7_x86_64    94822  1   


14.3 RU1 (or later) includes the Symantec Endpoint Protection Linux Agent, which replaces the legacy Symantec Endpoint Protection client for Linux on upgrade. See: What's new for Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3 RU1? for more information on the new Symantec Endpoint Protection Linux Agent. 


When upgrading from 14.3 MP1 (or earlier), restart the system to complete the upgrade process and remove artifacts from the legacy Symantec Endpoint Protection client for Linux installation. 

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