Serial numbers for the Security Analytics system hardware can be useful when opening a case, checking on contracts, or identifying inventory. The commands are different for each piece of hardware and there are a dozen different types depending on the generation and if it is a standalone server or has attached storage.
For the server type, it is found in /etc/DSMODEL file on the server.
Dell Servers
Possible Dell hardware models are listed in order of most recent first, R640xl, R730xd, R630, R720, R720xd. To find the serial number run: dmidecode -s chassis-serial-number
Bluecoat Servers
The DSMODEL value will be S500. To find the serial number run: /opt/bluecoat/clp/bin/serial_number
External Storage
For attached direct storage, you will may now know what type of hardware is attached. The command to run: megacli -encinfo -aall | grep "Vendor"
. The serial number for all JBOD enclosures will be the value in the "Vendor Specific" line. If the Vendor Identification line is blank, then you do not have a JBOD enclosure. Use the methods below for storage arrays.
For storage arrays, the serial number could be any of three, Dell MD3860f, NetApp E5660, or Dell ME4. This will take a couple of extra commands to determine the serial number. The most recent hardware will be shown first.
Dell ME4/VA
The serial number can be found by highlighting or mousing over the "System Name" label at the top of the storage Web UI, in the center. The Asset Tag will appear in a popup, which is also known as the serial number
If you have the Dell ME4/VA hardware run: -s all
If you have this type of storage array, the current status of the hardware will be returned. Otherwise, you will see "Error failed to connect to storage. Exiting". To get the serial number, you will need to get the store log files with -s
. Wait about five minutes for the file to be produced. Unzip the file and run grep -A2 SKU store_2022_09_08__08_05_07.logs
. The Part Number is the serial number or "Asset Tag:, You will see something like:
Part Number: XXXXXXX
Netapp E5660
If you have a Netapp storage array, run: SMcli -d
. This will provide the name of the storage array. Then run:
SMcli -n array_name -c 'show storagearray profile;' | grep Chassis
Replace the array_name with with the name from SMcli -d. You may need to restart the SM monitor service with systemctl restart smmonitor
. The Chassis Serial Number is the serial number of the storage array.
Dell MD3860f
Use MDSM and highlight the hostname of the storage array to find the serial number.