Unable to delete text from Rich-text Fields in MUX
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Unable to delete text from Rich-text Fields in MUX


Article ID: 249538


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You type in a Rich-Text field and need to make a correction.  You delete the content and it appears to delete. After you navigate to another tab and then return, the content is back and was not deleted.

Steps to Reproduce:

In Classic

  1. Go to Administration>>Objects
  2. Search for Project Object
  3. Open Project Object
  4. Go to the Attributes tab
  5. Create new attribute
  6. Data Type is Large String - Rich Text
  7. Include API Attribute
  8. Save and Return

In Modern UX

  1. Go to Administration>>Blueprints
  2. Copy Standard Project blueprint
  3. Open the Blueprint created
  4. Click Edit
  5. On Properties>>Fields search for the Rich-Text attribute you created
  6. Drag to place under Project Summary
  7. Publish
  8. Go to Project grid
  9. Create new project and associate it with the new blueprint
  10. In the Rich-Text field, type characters, tab out
  11. Click another tab and go back to Properties
  12. You will see that the text stays
  13. Delete the text and tab/click out of the field
  14. Go to another tab, then return

Expected Results: The rich-text field will be empty

Actual Results: The text in the rich-text field returns and we are unable to delete


Release : 16.0.3




This is fixed in 16.1.0

Workaround: Format text to center alignment, then delete