If we remove  PDSMAN, will it affect ENDEVOR/BSTCOPY?
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If we remove  PDSMAN, will it affect ENDEVOR/BSTCOPY?


Article ID: 249461


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PDSMAN Endevor


If we remove PDSMAN, will it affect ENDEVOR/BSTCOPY?


Component : PDSMAN for OS/390

Release : 7.7


Removing PDSMAN will not affect Endevor's Bstcopy. Fastcopy and Bstcopy are two different entities. 

Both utilities function as iebcopy replacements.

Fastcopy has additional functionality and performance benefits.

Additional Information

The BSTCOPY utility offers a limited subset of the functionality provided by IEBCOPY.

You must use BSTCOPY instead of IEBCOPY if you use the Endevor Automated Configuration Manager (ACM), or if package backout has been enabled for the output library. This is because Endevor cannot determine which members are changed by IEBCOPY.
BSTXCOPY is an Endevor utility that performs the same functions as the Endevor processor utility BSTCOPY.

However, you can use BSTXCOPY to perform these functions outside of an Endevor processor.


FastCopy Functionality and Benefits

FastCopy transparently replaces IEBCOPY and provides both functional and performance enhancements including:
Control statement and functional compatibility for existing IEBCOPY functions
Functional enhancements and capabilities not available in IEBCOPY
Improved performance, including faster execution times, reduced CPU usage, and fewer I/O operations.
An integrated volume or data set pattern driver for library compress and space management functions
FastCopy benefits all IEBCOPY users, including batch jobs, ISPF users, SMP/E, and DASD management packages.