Some times the seosdb gets corrupted or has duplicated entries that make it giving errors
stop seos
Stop AC
To check
. dbmgr -u –all seos_cdf.dat
. dbmgr -u -all seos_odf.dat
. dbmgr -u -all seos_pdf.dat
. dbmgr -u -all seos_pvf.dat
In case of errors to fix
. dbmgr -u -build seos_cdf.dat
. dbmgr -u -build seos_odf.dat
. dbmgr -u -build seos_pdf.dat
. dbmgr -u -build seos_pvf.dat
If this is not enough, then use the below procedure to rebuidl the seosdb
Release : 12.8, 14.1
Component : CA ControlMinder - Unix
The repair of the database sometimes is not enough and we need to rebuild it
# secons -s
# cd /opt/CA/AccessControl
# cd seosdb
# dbmgr -e -l -f seosdb.txt
# dbmgr -m -r User.migrate
# cd ..
# mv seosdb seosdb.orig
# mkdir seosdb
# cd seosdb
# cp ../seosdb.orig/seosdb.txt .
# cp ../seosdb.orig/User.migrate .
# dbmgr -c -c -t local_terminal_name -u admin_user_name
Please replace local_terninale_name with the fully qualify local hostname.
Please also replace admin_user_name with a proper admin user name (ex. root).
Please start up PIM.
# seload
and then please import the database back to this new dababasse.
# cd /opt/CA/AccessControl/seosdb
# selang -f seosdb.txt
# dbmgr -m -w User.migrate