"The parameter is incorrect" error appears when viewing Software Jobs of some computers :
Client Automation - Any versions
This problem could be caused by an invalid completion date in database. (date >= 2037-02-06 06:28:16)
This SQL Query returns the SD jobs with the problem :
SELECT M.agent_name [Computer Name],
R.itemname [Package Name],
R.itemversion [Package Version],
P.itemname [Procedure Name],
dateadd(ss, activationtime+ datediff(ss,getutcdate(),getdate()), convert(datetime,'19700101')) [Activation Time],
dateadd(ss, completiontime+ datediff(ss,getutcdate(),getdate()), convert(datetime,'19700101')) [Install Time],
CASE A.status
WHEN 9 THEN 'SW Installed'
WHEN 10 THEN 'Job Execution Error'
ELSE 'Other'
END Status
FROM usd_applic A
LEFT JOIN usd_actproc P ON A.actproc=P.objectid
LEFT JOIN usd_rsw R ON P.rsw=R.objectid
LEFT JOIN ca_agent M ON A.target=M.object_uuid
WHERE completiontime>=2117514496
ORDER BY [Computer Name], [Install time]
Example :
Computer Name Package Name & Version Procedure Name Activation Time Install Time Status
COMP1 UPM - CR - Office 32Bit - Security IntelliRollup v2105.00.1 - {5e9277a0-ba32-03eb-9a55-ae4345faa470} 1.0 Silent Configure 2021-06-17 22:33:38.000 2037-02-06 06:28:16.000 SW Installed
COMP2 UPM - CR - Office 32Bit - Security IntelliRollup v2105.00.1 - {5e9277a0-ba32-03eb-9a55-ae4345faa470} 1.0 Silent Configure 2021-06-17 22:40:20.000 2037-02-06 06:28:16.000 SW Installed
COMP3 UPM - CR - Office 32Bit - Security IntelliRollup v2105.00.1 - {5e9277a0-ba32-03eb-9a55-ae4345faa470} 1.0 Silent Configure 2021-06-17 22:29:06.000 2037-02-06 06:28:16.000 SW Installed
COMP4 UPM - CR - Office 32Bit - Security IntelliRollup v2105.00.1 - {5e9277a0-ba32-03eb-9a55-ae4345faa470} 1.0 Silent Configure 2021-06-17 22:30:51.000 2037-02-06 06:28:16.000 SW Installed
1- Execute following SQL Query on the mdb database :
UPDATE usd_applic
SET completiontime=activationtime
WHERE completiontime>=2117514496
2- On Domain Manager stop plugin sdmgr_api
caf stop sdmgr_api
If there are more than 1 plugin sdmgr_api, stop them one by one
caf stop sdmgr_api_19
caf stop sdmgr_api_20
3- Open a new DSM Explorer