Where to download ESP dSeries Workload Automation?
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Where to download ESP dSeries Workload Automation?


Article ID: 249342


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation DE - Scheduler (dSeries) DSERIES- SERVER


Where can I download the media for ESP dSeries Workload Automation?


Release : Any Supported Release

Component : ESP dSeries Workload Automation


You can download the latest version of dSeries directly from our support site.

  • This link should display listing of products related to the ESP dSeries Workload Automation product for your site.

  • You can filter out the list of products by entering "server" in the search bar on the page. This will display anything related to the dSeries server.

  • Expand the product and you'll choose the most current release listed.

  • If you're considering installing and using the Web Client (WebUI), then you'll need to download the ESP dSeries Workload Automation Web Client media which is listed on the same page. 
    Note: This is not mandatory to install. It's simply an option for you. If you do choose to install this, we suggest doing so on separate server from the dSeries server. This tool is not replacement to the Desktop Client, as it does not contain all features that the Desktop Client provides.

  • Be sure to check the compatibility matrix of the documentation for ESP dSeries Workload Automation product to ensure your operating systems, databases, etc. is supported with the release.

  • Finally, you should verify with the vendor of your operating system and database to ensure they under full maintenance support; not extended support.